Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Eggs!

Pearl really got into the concept of Easter eggs and Easter egg hunting this year. This was mostly fueled by a visit by grandparents from both sides of the family before Easter which they used to prime Pearl for the event as much as was humanly possible. Pearl was in candy heaven.

Granny Z had a great time teaching Pearl to fill her own eggs with candy.

You can imagine how much of that ended up in her mouth as soon as she realized she was allowed to snitch. Grandparents never seem to have a problem with snitching. ; )

Then Granny Z had this idea that we could decorate our tree with eggs after Pearl saw another tree decorated with eggs when we all went on a walk and didn't want to leave it. I think we will keep the eggs and hang them up in years to come.

Then Grandpa and Grandma B participated in an epic egg hunt which mostly involved Grandma B standing behind Pearl and pointing out eggs that were in plain sight to Pearl, so she would finally notice them. Pearl would let out little gasps and exclamations as she "discovered" eggs on the ground.

Pearl's little neighbor friend Jos came on the hunt with her.

Then Grandma B had the pleasure of showing Pearl that the plastic eggs actually had treats inside of them. Wow! That was the greatest discovery of the day!

Thanks to both sets of grandparents for making Easter fun for our little girlie!


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