Monday, December 17, 2007


Tonight we had a neighbor dinner. Of the 8 people that live immediately around our house 5 came over. It was a fun night of socialism and friendship. We were a very distinct group ranging from a general contractor, to largley unemployed to a doctor and an engineer. Of the neighbors we were the only ones that have ever interacted with one of the couples even though they moved in the first part of June.

It seems that in a city it is so easy to let the swarms of people just breeze on by. You don't even have to acknowledge that they exist. Ships passing in the night, only the night is day and the wide ocean is the width of a sidewalk. Averted eyes or a reclusive posture make people worlds apart even though you are standing 4 inches away on a crowded bus.

My question to you is, should neighbors be interested in each other? Should two people living in close proximity have a vested interest in each other? If so, is it the proximity or the fact that we are all family?

It feels good to be neighborly.