Monday, August 17, 2009

Pearly and the vacuum

Pearl's nemesis in life is loud noises. Anything that is potentially startling can make her cover her ears and cry, even down to unrolling duct tape or shaking out a garbage bag. This being said, she really hates the vacuum. She has begun to start crying when she even sees it. Today the vacuuming adventure went something like this: The vacuum comes out. Pearl cries and starts to crawl for mom. Mom puts Pearl in a high chair to protect her from herself. Pearl continues to cry. Mom starts the vacuum and begins to work on the floor. The sound of the vacuum is the only thing mom hears, so she thinks that maybe Pearl is finally settling down. She turns around and looks at Pearl who is red faced and violently screaming, but the vacuum noise is covering her voice. Mom sighs and finishes the job. She turns off the vacuum and proceeds to rescue Pearl who is shaking and desperately reaching for mom. Pearl is now even more suspect of the vacuum. Mom tries to warm her up to it by getting Pearl near it but she refuses to touch it and scrambles to stay close to mom. Pearl wont take her eyes off of the vacuum as mom carries her around the room, expecting it to start up again any second.


Katie said...

So funny! I should feel sorry for Pearl, but instead I find myself thinking this is hilarious!

Alex Solla said...

This may strike you as an odd idea, but she might prefer ear protection. Kids are wicked sensitive as you've found. Grab some lightweight earplugs or over-the-ear ear muffs. Hope that helps! No one should be scared of the vacuum!

Katharina said...

Sorry, but I've just spent the past two minutes laughing out loud at Pearl's plight. Bless her little heart.

Jeremy and Sarah said...

I'm still freaked out by my mom's vacume. It could wake the dead. I know I all growed up now, but dear Pearly, I understand baby girl...I understand :)

Brandy Bailey said...

Sydnee was very scared of the vacuum as well so I would have to take her to the neighbor to be watched for the time I vacuumed. It seemed to work out well. Now we just have the flying insect issue! I am just loving it!! Last night while Loren and I were dead asleep, Sydnee got up to go to the bathroom, all we head was this bone chilling scream. I jumped out of bed to find her sitting on the potty, crying. A moth had gotten in and was in the bathroom. I thought she had put me into labor with that scream, it was so horrifying!!!

redjanfan said...

Wow that's quite a reaction! I've grown to really dislike loud noises too, but wonder if it's a hearing thing in my "old age". It's too bad she's getting soooo worked up about it. I hope it passes as vacuums are a fact of life!! We've only carpet left in our bedroom and rest is all a recycled rubber that looks like hardwood planking! Love it. Bought it because Safeway installed it in their produce dept. I thought if it can handle peoples muddy, sandy feet and shopping carts it can handle Kesh and anything we can throw at it. It's proven to be indestructable!
Don't know if you know, but we lost our beloved Kesh, he was 12 when he died and I still miss him every day. He was such a big part of my life.