Monday, December 8, 2008

Terms of Endearment

I was thinking this morning about how I am really getting used to calling Pearl "Honey" because it seems to fit her so well. Then I thought about how I call Bryan "Baby" and the Young Women I used to work with "Sweeties". I would never ever call Bryan "Honey" or switch any of the other names because they just wouldn't fit. Is that strange?

- Nat

1 comment:

Natalia said...

I think we are the opposite. We seem to develop “family nicknames” For instance, when Hendrix was a babe, I started calling him toots (you know-like, “hiya toots”) but now jon and I call each other toots but we usually say “big-toots” in that case. With Avi we call him “baby toots” or “little toots” and when he was first born we called him “new toots”. On the other hand, we do have some designated nicknames. Anyway, I think we are the weird ones, not you. (wow, if I was speaking all that I think I would be out of breath by now!)