Monday, September 29, 2008

Why can't a woman be more like a man?

A friend was lamenting about the temperament of his young daughter. I really liked his email and thought I'd share a snippet.

" ... (she's already stubborn, which bodes poorly for her teenage years (I truly understand teenage boys, but have no skills for understanding the teenage females mentality--I find it to be quite peculiar, mostly because it has no semblance of concrete conceptualization or rational reasoning (clever alliteration here), sometimes older female's also suffer from this thought disorder, which I have termed feminine thought dyscrasia, another form also exists which I call feminine mood dyscrasia--a woman can have both conditions simultaneously, a condition which I have termed feminine compound dyscrastic disorder (FCDD)--mostly it has to do with making irrational decisions based on too little data too quickly and without consideration for the male's natural level-headed and rock-solid state, which I refer to as "normal")). I also figure since you're good at math you'll understand my generous usage of parentheses ..."



Brandy Bailey said...

May I remind you that you are now out numbered...just like Loren. what???

Kristen said...

That sounds like a lot of language that could be summed up in 4 words...Men don't understand women. And the reverse is probably true as well. I guess we just try to live and work together the best we can!

Kristen said...

And would you really want women to be just like men? Isn't that part of the fun? Yes, a major part of the frustration at times, but never boring, for sure.

Jeremy and Sarah said...

And do you think women understand women? No, not even we know what's wrong with urselves...most times we blame it on hormones. I envy my my husband and baby boy and often think, "Their lives are so simple. Why can't women be more like men?"