Thursday, June 26, 2008


In our panic of learning that we were pregnant we figured we had to have one last big vacation before we are beasts of burden for strollers, car seats, diaper bags, Cheerios etc. Tomorrow we leave on our babymoon to the Bahamas. Neither of us have cruised before so we feel a little lost trying to get ready for it.

No work + beautiful wife + sunshine + beaches and snorkeling + food galore + good book + complete disconnect from email and cell phones - nominal fee = Shiawase



Natalia said...

haha...yeah, your next vacation will be at least twice the packing even though it's just one more little person.

Anonymous said...

Oh cruises are the best. Enjoy all the relaxing time! We are dreaming of the day we can do something like that again... like in 18 years.

Unknown said...

Is it just a cruise or are you staying somewhere specifically??