Saturday, May 3, 2008

What's in a Name?

My name is Bryan. When people call me something else (Mr. Burningham, Brother Burningham or even President Burningham) I usually tell them to call me Bryan. When people write me an email and spell my name with the wrong vowel (Brian, uh ... makes me cringe) I usually respond in kind e.g. Carl becomes Curl.

Isn't my surname more telling about where I came from, which would have some influence on genetic dispositions? Some cultures place more emphasis on surnames. In Japan you commonly refer to someone by their surname.

The mathematician in me thinks that a name is just a variable used to distinguish one variable or person from another. In math common variables are x and y. If names didn't hold any value then we could swap names by letting z = x, x = y and y = z, and our variable's values are exactly the same just with different labels. People aren't like that though. I don't even like having my label spelled the "lame" way. Since it has such personal value then I ask the following questions:

What is in a name? How do we identify ourselves? Why do some people hold more to their surname then their given name or visa verse? Why do some people feel so strongly about their names that they give them to their kids?

Please do me a favor. Leave a comment and tell me what name you most identify yourself with - which name means more to you. Perhaps it is even a nickname. If you are really brave you can even venture a reason as to why. I'll start.

I identify more with Bryan. I believe this is so because when people use it is seems more friendly and informal ... close if you will.



Brandy Bailey said...

When we named Sydnee I assumed we would call her Syd but we don't seem to ever shorten it. Maybe it is because we are lazy in a reverse way, we are to set with her name. I still think Syd is so cute. You guys are the only ones who really call her that and I really like it at least someone is doing what I want to do! Oh and she seems to hate it. She tries to grow up way to quickly and says "mom can I...." when she does this I follow it up with Syd and she says my name is not Syd, it is Sydnee Emma Bailey!!! So there is my 2 cents!! Talk to you guys soon!

Loren, Brandy, and Syd

Kim + Danny said...

Boyer. I don't know why I have always been more aware of my last name. It may have something to do with the fact that when I was a kid the only way that people could make fun of my name was by changing Boyer into something else. It got old, and I was always bugged by it. There is also a bit of pride in it as well. My brothers and I were always known for our "Boyer Strut" as many young ladies labeled it. Danny is just what most people call me. It does bother me when people call me Dan, it depends on the person who's mouth it comes out of though.

Alex Solla said...

Well, I guess now you need to think about adding DADDY Burningham to the mix of names you go by. Congrats! Give my best to Nat.

Celestial Starr said...

Celestial. Because I like you want the people I work with (in all respects, work, school, church, and especially family) to feel close with me. I only get a few other names like Sister Brandley or President Brandley (which I am learning to identify with) and Starr. I like that one too. That one means you know me even better. My Major Professor calls me Starr and President Hall used to call me Dr. Starr. I thought that was funny!
I've missed you Bryan. I always remember when I spell out your name that it is Bryan with a "y". I remember that from 9th grade when you emphasized that it was spelled that way and I never wanted to make the mistake of spelling it with a "i" again.
I heard you are going to be a Daddy in September!!! I am going to be a mommy in October!!! You're always just a little bit a head of me, but I don't mind. Congratulations! You are the best! Tell Natalie (hope I spelled that right) congratulations for me too! I wish you two the very best!!!
- Celestial *Starr (you get both names - means your even more special:)

Eric and Jessi said...

I don't like it when strangers call me "Jessie", even though that's always been my name to friends and family. I'll even correct them and say "It's Jessica". What do you make of that?