Sunday, July 25, 2010

Oh Cauliflower, Where Art Thou?

For some reason we have been successful in growing most things like broccoli, lettuce, peppers, etc., but not cauliflower. This lovely shot of our non-existant cauliflower is shown sideways as chosen by the weird blog image uploading phenomenon.
We are very proud of our cabbage as it is our first year to try them and they are actually growing! Unfortunately there is a cabbage-loving bug living in our garden and I just can't kill it. I just hope they grow to maturity before the bug eats too much of them. Die scum bug!!! Stay away from our little cabbage patch babies!!


Katharina said...

I wonder what it means that I read "die scum bug" as a German language article..." 'dee' scub bug".

Anyway, I hope the veggie predator kicks the bucket, whether the proper article is "der, die, or das". Whatever.

Katharina said...

And I hope the scum bugs croak along with the "scub" bugs.

Apparently I can't read OR type in English.

Miss you guys!!

Natalie said...

Katie, it means you are too multicultural for your own good-that's what it means! You "uber" talented lady.