Sunday, November 8, 2009

Turning 30

Yesterday I turned the big 30. People kept asking me how it felt to be 30 and I would reply, "It doesn't feel any different to me. I just feel a day older, just like I did yesterday." The only difference seems to be that I just need to remember to write in the correct age when I fill out forms.

One thing I have noticed lately about myself has been that I am developing more and more preferences in life. I've decided I don't like to sleep with tied quilts because the yarn tickles my face when I'm trying to fall asleep. I don't like going to the grocery store during rush hour. I like natural, chunky peanut butter better than the cheap, smooth kind that I used to buy. I like to do laundry on Wednesdays. I like to put on my seatbelt after I start the car. I don't like being over-productive. I only like a certain brand of wheat crackers. I like to fix things myself. I think I can better understand now why older people always seem to have so many strict preferences like always having to wear driving gloves, or always having the same thing for breakfast. I seem to be heading there myself.



Jeremy and Sarah said...

Being 30 you look DANG good! And besies, age doens't matter anyway...(unless you are a bananna, then life sucks)

Here's to staying young forevah!

Angela said...

so what kind of wheat crackers do you like?

Natalie said...

I can't remember the brand right now, but they are large, thin circles and they come in a single roll.

Eric Miller said...

Sounds like the musings of a crochety old lady, lol. I'm just kidding. I have my preferences too (I agree about the peanut butter) although many just call them opinions.

Happy belated birthday by the way.