Friday, March 6, 2009


Lately I have felt driven to finish my long dreamed of picture wall. I did this as a last-ditch effort to "get something done" the week before I started my internship. I printed off a bunch of family pictures and spent hours at Walmart and Target picking out the perfect frame for each one. It was great fun and I am very proud of the result.

Lately we started to feed Pearl rice cereal. She didn't like it at all at first but after about 2 days of protesting she starting to act like she wanted it. I think she really just likes chewing on the spoon because she is teething too. I felt really odd trying to feed her something besides milk, like it was the wrong thing to do. Anyway, due to the introduction of rice, she has developed the necessity for some fiber in her diet (if you know what I mean). I fed her pureed prunes last night and she took to it faster than rice but kept making sour faces. I forgot that prunes are kind of sour.

Lately Bryan has been obsessed with playing Rockband. His favorite instrument is the drums but it's easiest to take care of Pearl while playing the guitar. He even instigated an Elders Quorum "Battle of the Bands" activity where teams consisting of 4 people each competed against each other to make the most points as a band as they played on 2 separate gaming systems.

Lately Pearl asked us if she could take the scooter for a spin but we decided since she isn't able to crawl yet, it might not be a good idea. Bryan let her wear his helmet at a consolation.


Brandy Bailey said...

Hi there!!!! So I love the picture looks amazing!!! Oh teach me oh wise one!!! How are you guys? We are good!

DC Roses said...

We really like your picture wall. It is sure nice to hear about how you are doing.

Kristen said...

Your picture wall is awesome. I love the white frame-good idea.

And Pearl is adorable!

Natalia said...

can't wait to see it in real life!