Sunday, November 30, 2008


Snow has finally come to Denver. It snowed on Saturday and today. I must admit that I like seeing it. In the past I've thought that I am getting tired of snow. I've even considered in the future working in places like Bermuda to have a change of climate. There is a beauty in snow. It is pure and magical. Of course the scientist in me also thinks that it is way cool that it is the only substance that gets bigger when it freezes.

Last year I hated our snow shovel. Sometime mid-summer I threw it away. I remembered this as I was watching the snow fall. Here is a picture of a tree in our front yard.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

2 Months Old!

Pearly is 2 months old now. She is giving us a run for our money. She seems to have acid reflux and every now and then she becomes "the Pearly Monster." It is amazing at what lengths you will go to try to get them to stop crying and how frustrated you can get. But her happy moments are great.

Here are some more recent pictures of her.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Recently we dug up old pictures of Bry and I so we could compare who Pearl looks like. These first pictures of Bryan:

Next are some recent pictures of Pearl:

Last are some pictures of me:

What do you think?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our Cool Friends

We have some pretty awesome friends. Friends who are not worried about what people think of them. That is something that gains our undying respect and loyalty. For Halloween, 2 of these type of friends came to our house to show off their Halloween costumes. I won't mention thier names to protect their privacy but if you know them, I'm sure they would love to know what you think of this video:



It's a good thing babies have many survival instincts. Pearl's instinct to turn her head to the side when she spits helps her not drown in her own spit up. Her instinct to cry when she wants something- food for example, helps her not to starve (though she could definately time her meals better sometimes). This week she has learned to start smiling and I have decided that can also be included under the category of survival instincts because it has helped me to not want to ship her off to China to be raised as a factory worker. The past couple of weeks Pearl has become what some call a "colicky" baby. She started crying for no apparent reason all day long. All day long. She just about drove her parents mad. We tried different medicines, soothing techniques, music; you name it, we tried it. So, when she started to smile this week both Bry and I just ate it up! She really makes us work for it though. We have to sit and coax her continuously to get her to smile. And of course she won't really smile when a camera is pointing at her. Here's a pic of a half smile:

On a different note, I think I turned a corner today in being a mom. Pearl was miraculously good and even cuter than usual, so I just held her and walked around with her, talking to her and showing her things around the house. It was so entertaining. I felt sad to put her down when I had to do things for myself. In times past, especially the past few weeks I have wished I had more time to do things for myself so I could get some satisfaction out of being slightly productive for the day. But I realized that her life is passing by as I am "being productive" and I am missing it. It's not worth it anymore to get things done for myself, at least to an extent. I'm really starting to dig this motherhood thing.
