Monday, December 17, 2007


Tonight we had a neighbor dinner. Of the 8 people that live immediately around our house 5 came over. It was a fun night of socialism and friendship. We were a very distinct group ranging from a general contractor, to largley unemployed to a doctor and an engineer. Of the neighbors we were the only ones that have ever interacted with one of the couples even though they moved in the first part of June.

It seems that in a city it is so easy to let the swarms of people just breeze on by. You don't even have to acknowledge that they exist. Ships passing in the night, only the night is day and the wide ocean is the width of a sidewalk. Averted eyes or a reclusive posture make people worlds apart even though you are standing 4 inches away on a crowded bus.

My question to you is, should neighbors be interested in each other? Should two people living in close proximity have a vested interest in each other? If so, is it the proximity or the fact that we are all family?

It feels good to be neighborly.


Kim + Danny said...

Dude, it's about time that you gave us an update. An entire month with out the Bryan wit is about all that I can handle. By the way, what exactly is the difference between largely unemployed and just regular unemployment? Is that the kind way of saying morbidly obese and unemployed? Merry Christmas.

Michelle said...

This post really struck me... very poetic. We just got home from New York City this week and although we don't know our neighbors really well, at least we feel like we can look them in the eyes or chat about the weather. I do however, wish for neighborhood barbecues and Christmas goodies from neighbors and our neighborhood does neither. Someday I'll live in a neighborhood like that again. Hope you have a great Christmas!

Kiesha said...

Sheesh! You should write a book! Your great with words. I usually stumble over mine so here's a big 'ole high fiver! I live in a pretty close community so sometimes my neighbors are too neighborly but we still get along pretty good. I just have to watch what I say and do because word gets around. But I'de much wrather have it this way then not know my neighbors at all. It's good to feel that kind of support. Plus, I've eatin' a whole lotta of junk from all the neighbor gifts and that's always good!

Alex Solla said...

"It was a fun night of socialism and friendship." ----Socialism? Or do you socializing? One infers a level of governmental control over healthcare, living conditions...the other involves saying hi to folks. I hope you weren't pushing for governmental and political reform before dinner. That would be heady stuff. Cheers dude.

Natalia said...

...I like it. We have been pretty lucky with having friendly, welcoming neighbors. I don't think it can ever hurt to have more people to love and do things for, it seems natural that those people would often live next door.

CourtneyB said...

Fun blog, guys! As for the question at hand, yes, I agree it's way to easy to live your own life and ignore your neighbors. I sometimes wish for the days of large front porches and pedestrians, as well as news by word of mouth - we have so many conveniences, we hardly "need" anyone else! That being said, I could certainly be better about reaching out to my own neighbors. I've only ever had two of them over, and we've lived here over five years!